We’re helping Wales get to ‘number one’ by recycling our food waste.
This week (16 – 22 October ’23) is Recycle Week. Its aim is to encourage more of us to help our planet and recycle. Wales does an incredible job at recycling, so much so it is ranked the third best nation for recycling in the WORLD! As a country, we are leading the way with 95% of us regularly using the recycling options. A new campaign has been launched to help us reach number one and food waste recycling could help us get there.

In total, roughly 110,000 tonnes of food waste is put into landfill every year. With this in mind we have decided to step up to the challenge and are working hard to improve the way we manage our waste. We already recycle everything from glass, metal, cardboard and even nappies! (Ick!) This year we have improved our sustainability efforts by adding food waste to the list of items we now recycle. Food waste from all our kitchens, staffrooms and new accommodation is collected by our waste management team and sent off for processing.

You might think food waste is used to produce compost, but nowadays it is transformed into renewable energy! Almost every local authority in Wales recycles food waste into cleaner, greener energy to power our homes. By playing your part you could potentially help Wales reach ‘number one’ for recycling and help power homes. Last year, Wales recycled enough to power 10,000 homes and just one caddy full of food waste could power a house for 1 hour. So, next time you’re done with that banana peel…Be mighty, Recycle!

Click here for 5 top tips to help you combat those ‘ych-a-fi’ moments!